School Residency Programs
Core to our artist in residency programs is the provision of a safe and friendly space that encourages the child-artist to engage as a co-collaborator in the design and construction of works that highlight their capacity to engage as co-creators of their community. Using a variety of tools including measured risky play and traditional and non-traditional art mediums we work co-collaboratively with students and teachers to design and create works that inspire and encourage students to share their unique visions and ways of engaging with the world.
The young artists are encouraged to share their prior knowledge and skills and are scaffolded by artists and teachers as they learn new skills, encouraging a participatory process leading to the design and installation of works that share the collective voice. The process supports the young artists to develop new skills and ways to engage with their peers, teachers and wider community while helping them to break down social barriers and develop confidence in their ability to engage as co-creators of their community.
Each residency project is designed to fit with your schools unique demands and timetable. We work with your teachers to ensure measurable outcomes are achieved through using co-collaborative processes that support the development of students social skills and confidence in their abilities to engage as social agents. Each of our unique projects is designed to link with the broader school curriculum providing students with tools they can transfer to the classroom environment to support their learning.
We offer school residency programs and school incursions, please contact Clare to discuss your schools requirements on 042 220 2869, email clare@clare-walton-artist.com or use our enquiry/booking form.

St Dominic's Primary School 2010
Past Residencies

Hidden Beauty 2013
Installation and Photography project examining the hidden patterns found in nature using recycled materials with Year 9 students at Overnewtown College, Keilor Downs.

The Haunted Shak 2022
A child led collaborative installation project for the Sydney Opera House, Creative Learning Program at Berrima Public School. Students from Year 3 were scaffolded as they designed and built their installation using recycled and found materials.

Kid's Urban Dreaming 2018
A long term residency using measured risky play as the primary art tool. Students are scaffolded as they design and work collaboratively to design and install installations based on the original concept of the adventure playground.